
John Hawley, Australia Catholic University, Australia
John Hawley

John is currently Director of the Mary MacKillop Institute for Health Research and Head of the Exercise and Nutrition Research Program at the Australian Catholic University, Melbourne, Australia. He has published over 270 scientific manuscripts, written over 100 articles for technical journals and has authored numerous book chapters for exercise biochemistry and sports medicine texts. He currently sits on the Editorial Boards of many international journals including the American Journal of Physiology (Endocrinology and Metabolism), The Journal of Applied Physiology (U.S.A.), The Journal of Sports Sciences (U.K), Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise (U.S.A.), Sports Medicine (New Zealand) and The International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism (U.S.A.). The focus of his lab’s work includes the interaction of exercise and diet on skeletal muscle metabolism, the molecular bases of exercise training adaptation and the cellular bases underlying exercise-induced improvements in insulin action. He is a frequently invited speaker at both National and International scientific meetings.

Homepage: mmihr.acu.edu.au/people/professor-john-hawley/
Twitter: @JohnAHawley
Google: scholar.google.com.au/citations?user=YHqqT6cAAAAJ&hl=en

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