
Laurence Zitvogel, Gustave Roussy Cancer Center, France
Pr L. Zitvogel

Pr L. Zitvogel, MD (clinical oncology), PhD (tumor immunology), PU-PH University Paris Saclay (Clinical Biology), graduated in Medical Oncology in 1992. She started her scientific career at the University of Pittsburgh (USA) in 1993. She became Research Director at INSERM and Scientific Director of the Immuno-Oncology program at Gustave Roussy. She is a French pioneer in the field of tumor immunology and cancer immunotherapy. She unraveled two concepts, i) the immunogenic cell death ii) the oncomicrobiotics for cancer immunosurveillance. She was the recipient of many awards (including Translation Research INSERM Prize, the Immuno-Oncology ESMO award 2018, the Brupbacher and Baillet Latour Awards 2018, the griffuel award 2019).

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