
  • Andor 

Andor is based in Belfast, Northern Ireland and operates at the high-value end of the global scientific digital camera market. Andor is a global leader in the development and manufacturing of high performance scientific imaging cameras, spectroscopy solutions and microscopy systems to match your application needs in research and OEM. First introduced by Andor, EMCCDs are the ideal detector for low light applications such as single molecule detection, ion (calcium) imaging, vesicle trafficking, super-resolution and TIRF. sCMOS are the workhorse detectors for large, heterogeneous and live-sample imaging, particularly 3D wide-field based microscopy techniques such as light-sheet or structured-illumination microscopy. Our Dragonfly Confocal Imaging Platform has specific relevance, from deep imaging through to photostimulation tools for optogenetics, axotomy, and investigating dynamic events. Imaris is the world’s leading scientific Image analysis software for 3D/4D images from light-sheet, confocal, spinning-disk, multi-photon and wide-field fluorescent microscopes.

Website: www.andor.oxinst.com

牛津仪器Andor Technology,总部设在北爱尔兰的贝尔法斯特,是专业的高性能科学成像解决方案提供商。Andor于1989年成立,通过不断和客户沟通,依托强大的技术团队,始终致力于为学术、工业和政府机构客户提供前沿的光学探测解决方案和优质服务。 例如在弱光下突破探测极限的电子倍增CCD(EMCCD)技术; 具备超大尺寸、高速成像和低噪音特性,应用于定量测量的科学级CMOS技术,配合Andor专利的真空封装技术,让相机具备深度制冷的功能,并且延长使用寿命。


Andor于2014年加入牛津仪器,继续专注于现有的核心市场,并将引领牛津仪器向纳米生物领域战略扩张。北爱尔兰世界领先科学成像解决方案提供商(Andor Technology)将为医学、学术、工业和政府机构提供前沿的光学探测及光谱解析解决方案。产品包括科学级成像相机、瞬态/稳态光谱解决方案、高速共聚焦显微成像系统、用于光遗传学和光损伤的光刺激解决方案和3D/4D图像分析软件Imaris,提高了科学家对纳米科学、生命科学相关成像与分析等领域的理解。Dragonfly是Andor公司新开发的多点扫描共聚焦成像系统,具有高灵敏、高速、高度均匀照明、3D实时可视化等优点。

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