
  • 中文介绍: 

江苏集萃药康生物科技股份有限公司(Gempharmatech Co., Ltd)成立于2017年,是一家专业从事实验动物小鼠模型的研发、生产、销售及相关技术服务的高新技术企业,系亚洲小鼠突变和资源联盟企业成员以及科技部认定的国家遗传工程小鼠资源库共建单位。公司基于实验动物创制策略与基因工程遗传修饰技术,为客户提供具有自主知识产权的商品化小鼠模型,同时开展模型定制、定制繁育、功能药效分析等一站式服务,满足客户在基因功能认知、疾病机理解析、药物靶点发现、药效筛选验证等基础研究和新药开发领域的实验动物小鼠模型相关需求。

Website: https://cn.gempharmatech.com/ /

GemPharmatech is a leading contract research organization that provides genetically engineered mouse models and preclinical research services to the scientific community worldwide. Our company is steadfast in its commitment to providing cutting-edge and novel solutions to researchers in their pursuit of scientific exploration and pharmaceutical development. At GemPharmatech, we specialize in the development of animal models utilizing advanced gene-editing technologies, and we have an extensive library of KO/cKO mice, humanized mice, immunodeficient mice, and germ-free mice. We offer a wide range of preclinical services, including mouse model customization, pharmacology services such as drug efficacy evaluation and mouse phenotyping, CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, cryopreservation, and customized breeding.

Our ultimate goal is to accelerate scientific advancement and pharmaceutical development by supporting our clients with the most innovative tools and services. We have amassed one of the broadest collections of mouse models in the world, which have garnered immense popularity among scientists globally. By partnering with GemPharmatech, our clients benefit from having access to a comprehensive range of research tools and services to aid them in their research endeavors and promote scientific discovery. GemPharmatech is committed to pushing the boundaries of preclinical research and assisting our customers in achieving their research ambitions. We take great pride in providing exceptional customer service and are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest-quality research solutions.

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