
  • 信达生物制药(苏州)有限公司简介

“始于信,达于行”,开发出老百姓用得起的高质量生物药,是信达生物的使命和目标。信达生物成立于2011年,致力于研发、生产和销售肿瘤、自身免疫、代谢、眼科等重大疾病领域的创新药物,让我们的工作惠及更多的生命。公司已有10个产品获得批准上市,它们分别是信迪利单抗注射液(达伯舒®),贝伐珠单抗注射液(达攸同®),阿达木单抗注射液(苏立信®),利妥昔单抗注射液(达伯华®),佩米替尼片(达伯坦®),奥雷巴替尼片(耐立克®), 雷莫西尤单抗注射液(希冉择®),塞普替尼胶囊(睿妥®),伊基奥仑赛注射液(福可苏®)和托莱西单抗注射液(信必乐®)。目前,同时还有1个品种在NMPA审评中,7个新药分子进入III期或关键性临床研究,另外还有17个新药品种已进入临床研究。

公司已与礼来、罗氏、赛诺菲、Adimab、Incyte和MD Anderson 癌症中心等国际合作方达成30项战略合作。信达生物在不断自研创新药物、谋求自身发展的同时,秉承经济建设以人民为中心的发展思想。多年来,始终心怀科学善念,坚守“以患者为中心”,心系患者并关注患者家庭,积极履行社会责任。公司陆续发起、参与了多项药品公益援助项目,让越来越多的患者能够得益于生命科学的进步,用得上、用得起高质量的生物药。至2023年3月,信达生物患者援助项目已惠及16余万普通患者,药物捐赠总价值数亿元。信达生物希望和大家一起努力,提高中国生物制药产业的发展水平,以满足百姓用药可及性和人民对生命健康美好愿望的追求。


Inspired by the spirit of "Start with Integrity, Succeed through Action," Innovent's mission is to discover and develop, manufacture and commercialize high-quality biopharmaceutical products that are affordable to ordinary people. Established in 2011, Innovent is committed to discovering and developing, manufacturing and commercializing high-quality innovative medicines for the treatment of oncology, autoimmune, cardiovascular and metabolic, and ophthalmology diseases to enhance the quality of the patients' lives. Innovent has 10 products in the market, including TYVYT® (Sintilimab Injection), BYVASDA® (Bevacizumab Injection), SULINNO® (Adalimumab Injection), HALPRYZA® (Rituximab Injection), Pemazyre® (Pemigatinib Oral Inhibitor), olverembatinib, Cyramza® (Ramucirumab Injection), Retsevmo® (Selpercatinib Capsules ), FUCASO® (Equecabtagene Autoleucel Injection) and SINTBILO® (Tafolecimab Injection). Additionally, we have 1 assets under NMPA NDA review, 7 assets in Phase III or pivotal clinical trials, and 18 more molecules in early clinical stage.

Innovent has also entered into 30 strategic collaborations with Eli Lilly, Roche, Sanofi, Adimab, Incyte, MD Anderson Cancer Center and other international partners. We strive to work with many collaborators to help advance the biopharmaceutical industry, improve drug availability and enhance the quality of the patients' lives.

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