
  • RWD 
RWD Life Science

Founded in 2002, RWD Life Science is a national high-techenterprise, specializing in life science, animal healthcare, and medical devices. RWD originated from the transliteration of the word "Reward," meaning payback to society. We are dedicated to contributing wits and powers to enhance the quality of life.

The products and solutions of RWD have fully covered in the fields of neuroscience, immunology, lab animal research , cell and molecular biology , as well as histopathological diagnosis and veterinary medical. As a leading instruments and equipment provider in life science, RWD is actively carrying out joint innovation with customers, hoping to become a powerful enabling platform for "industry-academia-research-application" in life science.

Our products and solutions have been delivered to over 100 countries and regions, helping more than 700 hospitals, 1000 research institutions, 6000 universities, and 11000 pet medical facilities to achieve success. In addition, RWD has helped global researchers to publish over 14,500 SCI papers.

Website: www.rwdls.com

深圳市瑞沃德生命科技有限公司成立于 2002年,是一家专业服务于生命科学、动物健康以及临床医疗领域的国家高新技术企业。现有在职员工700余人,其中研发人员占比25%左右,每年投入营业额的15%进行研发,获得了近百项国内外发明专利。 瑞沃德致力于为生命品质的提升贡献智慧和力量,打造生命科学“产学研用”的有力使能平台, 做基础研究的使能者、应用研究的促进者、产业化的推动者、临床诊断与治疗的积极贡献者。通过持续不断研发创新投入,瑞沃德已搭建七大解决方案,涵盖动物手术与造模、神经信号研究、动物行为学研究、微循环监测与活体成像、组织与分子病理、细胞与分子生物研究和动物诊疗领域,可满足不同领域客户的专业化研究设备配置需求。 目前产品及服务覆盖海内外 100 多个国家和地区,已助力全球700+医院,1000+科研院所,6000+高等院校,11000+宠物医疗机构取得成功,助力发表SCI文章14500+篇,赢得了数万家客户的信赖和支持。

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