Keynote Speaker

Ding Ma, Peking University, China

Ding Ma

Ding Ma, Professor in College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering, Peking University. He read chemistry in Sichuan University (1996), and obtained his Ph.D from the State Key Laboratory of Catalysis, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics (2001). After his postdoctoral stay in Oxford University and University of Bristol, he started his research career in Dalian Institute of Chemistry as associate professor (2005). He was promoted as a full professor in 2007 and moved to Peking University in 2009. His research interests are heterogeneous catalysis, especially those related with energy issues, including C1 chemistry (methane and syngas conversion), hydrogen production/transportation, new reaction route for sustainable chemistry and the development of in-situ spectroscopic method that can be operated at working reaction condition to study reaction mechanism. He is Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry, and Associate Editor for ACS Catalysis and Chinese Journal of Chemistry. He is also on the Editorial Boards of Journal of Energy Chemistry, Science Bulletin, Journal of Catalysis, Joule, and Catalysis Science & Technology etc.

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